Irina Benedyk,
Assistant Professor
CSEE Department
SUNY at Buffalo

Courses Taught at UB
CIE439 Introduction into Transportation Systems Analysis
Introduces engineering and planning principles applicable to all types of transportation systems; concept and methods of transportation network analysis; operation and management of transportation systems; traffic engineering elements; traffic flow theory; highway capacity analysis; design and application of traffic control devices.
Spring 21, Spring 22, Spring 23, Spring 24
CIE500-BEN Advances Analysis of Transportation Systems
This course identifies concepts fundamental to the planning, design, operation, and management of transportation systems. It aims to impart a systems perspective to transportation problems: that a transportation system should be viewed as a unified whole to be evaluated within the overall functional, social, economic, and political system of a given region rather than just the local effects of a particular action. This course is concerned only with providing the basic framework onto which many different areas of specialization can be added through later coursework and practical experience. Topics include the framework for transportation systems analysis, analysis of transportation demand, analysis of transportation system performance and supply, traffic assignment and equilibrium, and brief introductions to related methodological areas.
Fall 19, Fall 20, Fall 21, Spring 23, Fall 23
CIE500-BEN Applied Optimization for Intermodal Transportation
This course introduces concepts fundamental to the planning, design, operation, and management of intermodal transportation systems. Topics include the framework for intermodal transportation systems analysis, vessel and port scheduling, facility location problem, public-private partnership, and brief introductions to related methodological areas.
Spring 20
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- Research | Birina
MY RESEARCH From Theory to Reality Theory Experimenting Practice
- Contact | Birina
CONTACT ME 204e Ketter Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260 birina@buffalo.edu (716) 645-4346 Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Home | Birina
WELCOME to the World of Exploration, Engineering and Science BIO I am an Assistant Professor at Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, SUNY at Buffalo. I have about 10 years of experience in the marine intermodal logistics and freight transportation sectors. I worked for third largest maritime container carrier CMA CGM S.A. and for one of the largest forwarding company in Russia at various positions starting from import/export specialist to head of consulting department servicing hundreds of clients all over the world. In my research, I am leveraging practical and research experience to develop integrated solutions for transportation factoring emerging technologies and changing needs of the society in two primary areas: freight intermodal transportation (both supply and demand side) and human factors in transportation. MY WORK Key components of professionalism: Studying, Logic, Patience Confronting Extreme Weather with Information: Plowing a Pathway towards Safe Travel through Snow Storms Intermodal Transportation and Economic Competitiveness Emerging Transportation Technology and Human Travel Behavior CONTACT ME 204e Ketter Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260 birina@buffalo.edu (716) 645-4346 Submit Thanks for submitting! Check back soon Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Subscribe Form Join Thanks for subscribing!
- Publications | Birina
KEY PUBLICATIONS Published in: Analytic Methods in Accident Research Presented at: TRB Annual Meeting 2022 (Best Paper Award TRB AED60 Committee on Statistical Methods ) A temporal instability analysis of environmental factors affecting accident occurrences during snow events: The random parameters hazard-based duration model with means and variances heterogeneity The present paper introduces the time between the start of a snowfall and the occurrence of a motor vehicle accident as a novel measure for evaluating motor vehicle safety during snowfalls. Detailed information of accidents that occurred during snowfalls between 2017 and 2020 in the state of New York are used to explore the accelerating or delaying effect of different factors on the time between the start of a snowfall and the occurrence of an accident. The temporal stability of the factors across the study period is investigated. The findings from this paper are anticipated to offer insights to winter maintenance teams, transportation system operators, and users regarding accident-prone periods and locations during snowfalls. Published in: Behaviour & Information Technology Evaluating the Cognitive and Psychological Effects of Real-Time Auditory Travel Information on Driver using EEG Real-time travel information design with inadequate consideration of human factors can lead to driver distraction and diminish road safety. This study measures drivers’ brain electrical activity patterns to evaluate multiple aspects of driver cognition and psychology under real-time information provision using insights from the neuroscience domain on the localisation of brain functions. The impacts of real-time auditory travel information characteristics (amount, sufficiency, and content) and different time stages of interaction with information provision (before, during, and after) on the frequency band powers of electroencephalogram signals in different brain regions are analyzed using linear mixed models. The study findings can aid information providers, both private and public, as well as auto manufacturers to incorporate driver cognition in designing safer real-time information and their delivery systems. Published in: Journal Maritime Economics & Logistics (2018 Editor’s Choice Award ) A Binary Probit Model to Analyze Freight Transportation Decision-Maker Perspectives for Container Shipping on the Northern Sea Route The predicted decrease of ice presence in the Arctic Ocean may allow commercial container shipping to use the Northern Sea Route (NSR) throughout the year starting by 2050. This paper conducts a stated preference survey of freight transportation decision-makers in East Asia and Europe to understand their perspectives towards the use of the NSR to ship cargo. A binary probit model is used to investigate the correlation between the operational and behavioral characteristics of freight transportation decision-makers and their attitudes towards maritime freight carriers operating through the NSR.
- About | Birina
A BIT ABOUT ME I am often asked for advise if someone should go in academia. My answer is: if you are not sure, you should not! I was not sure about that myself. Before joining SUNY at UB, I spend about 10 years working in industry and continuing my studying. Through that path I found myself in unquestionable situation: I wanted to make a difference by helping young adults to find themselves in the world and I am ready for that responsibility. I’ve always found many subjects intriguing and interesting, motivating me to investigate and research as many sources of information as I could get my hands on. Looking back, it’s that passion, curiosity, and commitment to exploration and discovery that has contributed to my academic choice. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my career and what I’m working on now.